Un documental de Franca González sobre Liniers, el talentoso historietista creador de Macanudo.
Un film sobre todo lo que puede conseguir la fuerza de un deseo.

"Every documentary about a cartoonist is interesting but one that follows Liniers is much more than that. LINIERS (Buenos Aires, 1973) is famous for his daily comic strip Macanudo. In this documentary by Franca González we find one of the most tender portraits ever done of him, reflecting the transcendence that ensues from the simple line of his drawings". José Fragoso, Instituto Cervantes of New York.

"Liniers, el trazo simple de las cosas" fue filmado en Buenos Aires y en Montreal con el apoyo del INCAA. Estuvo nominado entre los 5 mejores documentales del año por la Academia de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas de la Argentina para los Premios SUR, compuso la terna a Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Documental de los Premios Argentores 2011, ganó a su vez el 1º Premio al Mejor largometraje Documental del Festival de Cine de San Juan y formó parte de la Competencia Oficial de los Festivales de Cine de la Habana, Málaga, Toulouse, Leipzig, El Cairo, Olot (Catalunya) y MARFICI entre otros. El 26 de abril de 2012, se estrenó en Nueva York, en el Instituto Cervantes.


Repercusiones de Liniers, el trazo... tras su estreno en El Cairo

Rediscovering childhood through the eyes of an Argentinean cartoonist - Film - Arts & Culture - Ahram Online

The fourth Arab-Iberoamerican Women film festival closed on Friday 20 May with a heart-warming film on the life of the enigmatic Argentinean cartoonist, Ricardo Siri Liniers (...)

The documentary can be seen as two parallel stories: the life of the cartoonist and the filmmaker’s (Franca González) journey in discovering the somewhat unapproachable artist. (..)

The documentary is shot with great sensitivity in a manner that emulates and captures the cartoonists’ style. It is calm, warm, intimate and subtly humorous. (...)

One of the pitfalls of documentary filmmaking is the director’s tendency to insert him or herself too far into the story. González stays within this fine line. Her experience with the artist creates a sense of intimacy without taking over the film. (...)

The challenge of getting to know this private cartoonist was worthwhile as it produced this beautiful documentary, which exposes an enigmatic character and creates a work of art on its own. (...)

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