Un documental de Franca González sobre Liniers, el talentoso historietista creador de Macanudo.
Un film sobre todo lo que puede conseguir la fuerza de un deseo.

"Every documentary about a cartoonist is interesting but one that follows Liniers is much more than that. LINIERS (Buenos Aires, 1973) is famous for his daily comic strip Macanudo. In this documentary by Franca González we find one of the most tender portraits ever done of him, reflecting the transcendence that ensues from the simple line of his drawings". José Fragoso, Instituto Cervantes of New York.

"Liniers, el trazo simple de las cosas" fue filmado en Buenos Aires y en Montreal con el apoyo del INCAA. Estuvo nominado entre los 5 mejores documentales del año por la Academia de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas de la Argentina para los Premios SUR, compuso la terna a Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Documental de los Premios Argentores 2011, ganó a su vez el 1º Premio al Mejor largometraje Documental del Festival de Cine de San Juan y formó parte de la Competencia Oficial de los Festivales de Cine de la Habana, Málaga, Toulouse, Leipzig, El Cairo, Olot (Catalunya) y MARFICI entre otros. El 26 de abril de 2012, se estrenó en Nueva York, en el Instituto Cervantes.


Instituto CervantesInstituto Cervantes de New York


26/04/2012 (18:30 h)


Instituto Cervantes - Auditorio
211-215 East 49th Street
10017 Nueva York

The Simple Line of Liniers

film screening

Winter 2007. Two artists from Argentina receive a grant to develop their work in Montreal (Canada). The only catch? They have to share an apartment. In this way filmmaker Franca González and cartoonist Ricardo Siri Liniers come to know each other. Liniers is famous for his daily drawings in the newspaper La Nación under the name of Macanundo. From the moment González becomes the roommate of Liniers, a friendship emerges between them and she makes him the proposal of doing a documentary about him.
The film starts with an argument to get Linier’s permission to chase him with videocameras and ends up becoming one of the most tender portraits ever done of the artist, reflecting the transcendence that ensues from the simple line of his drawings.
ICNY is delighted to host the film’s premier and its protagonists, who will hold a Q&A with the audience after the screening.
Simultaneous interpretation.

In Cine Club. film series


Title: El trazo simple de las cosas
Director: Franca González
Year made: 2010
Format: DVD
Duration: largometraje - 77 min
País producción Argentina
Versión original: Español
Subtitulado: Inglés


Ricardo Liniers
Franca González
José Fragoso

Entidades Organizadoras

Instituto Cervantes (Nueva York)

Instituto Cervantes

Instituto Cervantes at Amster Yard
211-215 East 49th Street
New York, NY 10017
Subway E,V to Lexington Ave-53rd St; 6 to 51st St.
Tlf: 1 212 308 77 20
Fax: 1 212 308 77 21

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